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DJs in philadelphia, Affordable DJs, Wedding DJs in Philadelphia, Photo Booth, Uplighting Philadelphia, Greater Philly DJs, DJ Service Philadelphia

What kind of DJ services do you offer?

We provide Professional DJ Services for all occasions. We provide Weddings DJs, Corporate Events DJs, Proms DJs, DJs for Birthday parties, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs DJs and many more. We also offer Photography, Inflatable photo booths, Motivational dancers, Uplighting, Tv Karaoke, Videography and more. We have many popular deals on the market to help everyone with affordable packaging. We have the Top Professional DJs in the city under us.

Why do companies over price?

We consider the length of time, number of guest, type of event, add ons, number of staff that will be servicing the event and promotional offers. Our rates are all very affordable. Greater Philadelphia DJs guarantee to satisfy each and everyone of our welcoming customers. We do not over charge unlike other companies. Call us today at 484-687-7747 free quote get your Professional DJ today.

What makes our DJs different?

          If you are looking for an Exciting DJ entertainment company on the market look no further then with Greater Philadelphia DJs. We keep the event very exciting from start to finish with Professional DJs, that has great taste in every genre of music possible. Greater Philadelphia DJs specialize in crowd control, face to face event planning and time management. We are committed to keeping you our audience entertained with comfort to go beyond your expectations. We want all of our customers to be relaxed when choosing our service. We succeed with great reviews from customers each event. Our services and staff will bring the upmost fun and excitement to each event, creating a memory that'll a lifetime.

Do you offer insurance?

Yes, we are covered as well as our guess with business insurance.

Are you cleared to play at Schools, Proms and Dances?

         Yes, We have our Child Abuse Clearance, and Criminal background Check complete.

Contact Us

Our Staff would love to help. Feel free to say hello!


A woman in white dress next to flowers.



 We have over 25 unforgettable talented Disc Jockey DJs in Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York and Delaware area. Find your DJ Service today! Our love and vast knowledge of all music genres are of the utmost importance when it comes to entertainment. Get a free quote today book with us. We set the tone for your event with music from our talented Disc Jockey DJs. No celebration is complete without great music! Our Disc Jockey DJs will never disappoint. With their vast knowledge and passion for all genres of music, they will help you and your guests celebrate the evening with lots of dancing and fun! Depending on your music tastes and desired atmosphere, we would love if you send us a music playlist, with your song request. Unlike other DJs we take song request, Contact Greater Philadelphia DJs today for your Free Consultation. 

 We use only top of the line sound systems to produce the fullest, clearest sound for everyone to enjoy. Our Professional Disc Jockey DJs have fantastic DJ performances. We entertain and will bring your event or celebration to life. So, what will your event sound like? We have Professional sound systems and professional Disc Jockey DJs that use unique mixing skills to deliver exceptional performances. Contact us Today.